
Denis Blanc, Great-Grandson of the Company’s Founder, and Peter Fröhlich: the New Members of the BLANCO and BLANCO Professional Advisory Boards

Continuity in the Advisory Board and Shareholder Circle – the “Fourth Generation” Climbs Aboard

In May 2017, Denis Blanc and Peter Fröhlich joined the advisory boards for the Oberderdingen-based groups BLANCO und BLANCO Professional, the majority shares in both of which are held by the BLANC & FISCHER family holding.


At the shareholders’ meetings for the companies, which have now been operating independently of each other for ten years, the shareholders from the Blanc and Fischer families mutually agreed to the enlargement of the advisory board to seven members.


The BLANCO advisory board was established more than four decades ago, and is the main artery between shareholders and the management board of each company.


Denis Blanc is soon to complete his degree in economics in Amsterdam, and is the youngest son of the long-standing advisory board member Manuel Blanc. “I would like to say thank you for the trust invested in me by the shareholders. I am delighted to embrace the challenge of upholding our family charter to actively shape the future of both BLANCO and BLANCO Professional,” emphasises the 27-year-old great-grandson of the company’s founder, Heinrich Blanc.


As another elected, external member of the advisory board, Peter Fröhlich will bring his proven expertise in corporate strategic orientation, in addition to many years of management experience, to both boards. As CEO of ACO Haustechnik, he is responsible for the strategic and operational activities of a fast-expanding, international company, and is also a member of the senior management team for the ACO Group.


Since the beginning of 2016, Dr. Johannes Haupt has been chairman of the advisory boards both for BLANCO and BLANCO Professional. At the same time, he is Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the BLANC & FISCHER family holding and their largest company, the E.G.O. Group. Concerning the appointment of the two new members, Dr. Haupt states, “Denis Blanc and Peter Fröhlich are an extremely valuable and purposeful reinforcement for the advisory boards of the two BLANCO companies under the umbrella of the BLANC & FISCHER family holding. Simultaneously, however, I also see this as a significant step in the incorporation of the next generation of the founding family in the strategic orientation of the two international companies. With the election of Denis Blanc and Peter Fröhlich, new perspectives and ideas will be brought to the advisory boards. After all, together with competence and continuity, these are essential elements if we want to continue to achieve our ambitious goals”. 



Flehinger Str. 59
75038 Oberderdingen

Markus Brieskorn
Telefon +49 7045 44-81754
Telefax +49 7045 44-81245
E-Mail: markus.brieskorn@bpro-solutions.com