
Meeting Challenges Head-On

Fiscal Year 2015 of the Blanco Professional Group

The Blanco Professional Group – a system supplier in the B2B sector for commercial kitchens, medical facilities and industry – achieved a consolidated turnover in the fiscal year 2015 of 115 million Euros with 702 staff members. This equates to a growth of 1.1 percent compared to the previous year. With a share of around 40 percent of total earnings, export remained stable. This result marks a solid basis for the further realignment of the corporate group with headquarters in Oberderdingen, Germany.


All four business units of the group still face significant challenges in order to meet the increasing market demands. After the first measures were implemented in 2015, further potential for process optimisation and efficiency improvements will be researched and promoted within the company in 2016.


The two business units Catering and Medical have streamlined their portfolios and commenced the gradual optimisation of their core products. In relation to this, the Catering business unit has enhanced its range of variably configurable fronts to bring more emotion to the guest area. Meanwhile, the Medical business unit is currently finalising international sales agreements.


The Industrial business unit initiated several large projects last year. At the same time, project management was optimised. For the Railway business unit, the year 2015 was shaped by large orders from the customers Siemens and Hitachi. Further orders are soon to be signed.


The realignment of the group is advancing consistently. The focus of this process is on further internationalisation, alongside concentration on profitable, market-oriented products with premium quality. Roland Spleiss, CEO of Blanco Professional, emphasises, "We are moving in a dynamic and demanding environment with huge strategic challenges. Thanks to our shareholders, we stand on financially sturdy legs. We have a robust product portfolio, which we systematically develop further, coupled with capable and dedicated employees who have made Blanco Professional what it is today: a successful European manufacturer of industrial and capital goods, which is well on the way to becoming a globally successful solution provider with strong roots in the German SME sector."


The company premises in Oberderdingen will continue to play a pivotal role in the future plans. Blanco Professional invested almost 3.5 million Euros in the location in 2015. "Through the realignment, we want to maintain and strengthen the Oberderdingen site in the long term," highlights Roland Spleiss.



Flehinger Str. 59
75038 Oberderdingen

Markus Brieskorn
Telefon +49 7045 44-81754
Telefax +49 7045 44-81245
E-Mail: markus.brieskorn@bpro-solutions.com