
Bernd Rupprecht Becomes New Director/Head of Sales

Personnel Information for the Blanco Professional Group

On 1 November 2020, Bernd Rupprecht (52) will assume the post of Director/Head of Sales Catering at Blanco Professional and will be responsible for overall sales in the Catering Business Unit. He takes over from Frederikus de Leeuw, who left the company at the beginning of the month.


An industrial engineering graduate, Bernd Rupprecht has many years of sales experience in both structural alignment and operational implementation with a focus on clear structures and a goal-oriented organisation. Bernd Rupprecht was previously Director/Head of Sales Electronic Surface Cooking at E.G.O. Elektro-Geräte AG in Switzerland and was responsible for the Southern Europe, Middle East and South America sales regions.

E.G.O. and Blanco Professional both form part of the
Blanc & Fischer Family Holding.


“With Bernd Rupprecht, we are gaining an experienced manager with international sales experience and in-depth technological knowledge. Together, we will be able to provide a significant boost to further development in the Catering Business Unit,” affirms Egon Kofler, the new Chief Executive Officer at Blanco Professional.


Rupprecht concurs: “In cooperation with the Management Board and a dynamic team, we’ll drive Blanco Professional’s transformation forward. We will work together to develop the Catering Business Unit further, successfully positioning it for the future with new technologies for new requirements to inspire the next generation of customers.”



Flehinger Str. 59
75038 Oberderdingen

Markus Brieskorn
Telefon +49 7045 44-81754
Telefax +49 7045 44-81245
E-Mail: markus.brieskorn@bpro-solutions.com